Black Hills CrossFit

Total Health & Community Focused Fitness


About Us

Black Hills CrossFit was established in 2009 to serve as the premier CrossFit gym in the Black Hills. Through excellence in coaching and state-of-the-art facilities, we continue to strive to provide community-focused fitness to help you achieve your total fitness & lifestyle goals.

We offer a variety of services to help you achieve your fitness and lifestyle goals.



Book your free consultation today.

Whether you’re a seasoned athlete, or just getting started, our coaches are here for you.



Saturday May 18th 9:00AM

Spring Edition: Teams of 2
$120 Per Team

RX & SCALED Events

Finisher Mugs

Awards for Top Places





100 row cals

100 bike cals

Partner A begins with a 400m run, then does 25 cals. Partner B rests. When A gets to 25, they switch — B runs 400m and then does 25 cals while A rests. Repeat for 8 cycles.

Can do in either order but must do all cals of one before beginning the other.


Partner A — 1 mile run, B rests

When A returns, B runs 1 mile and A rests

When B returns, A does the following

25 bench press 135/85

25 back squats 155/105

25 deadlifts 185/125

(Two barbells and one rack. Can be done in any order but each exercise must be completed before moving to the next. Partners may help set up bars etc.)

When A finishes the chipper, B begins the chipper


Partners must complete the following:

1 mile run (together)

Then (one work, one rest, in this order but partitioned as desired)

90 wallballs 20/14

75 pull-ups

60 burpee box jumps overs

45 toes to bar


1 mile run (together)



75 row cals

75 bike cals

Partner A begins with a 400m run, then does 25 cals. Partner B rests. When A gets to 25, they switch — B runs 400m and then does 25 cals while A rests. Repeat for 8 cycles.

Can do in either order but must do all cals of one before beginning the other.


Partner A — 1 mile run, B rests

When A returns, B runs 1 mile and A rests

When B returns, A does the following

25 bench press 95/55

25 back squats 115/85

25 deadlifts 135/95

(Two barbells and one rack. Can be done in any order but each exercise must be completed before moving to the next. Partners may help set up bars etc.)

When A finishes the chipper, B begins the chipper


Partners must complete the following:

1 mile run (together)

Then (one work, one rest, in this order but partitioned as desired)

75 wallballs 16/12

60 sit-ups

60 ring rows

45 burpee box step overs


1 mile run (together)