Friday April 26, 2024


1:30 bike/row

10 air squats

10 squat jumps

10 wallball cleans

10 dead bugs with wallball

10 scapular pushups

:20/side plank



Banded front rack stretch :30/side

Banded knight stretch :30/side



Work up to a moderate weight for the following complex:


2 Clean Pulls > 1 Clean (full or power)


Focus on form and technique:


WOD Primer

2 rounds:

3 power cleans

4 pushups

6 box jumps or step ups



Power Cleans 10/8/6/4/2

Pushups 20/16/12/8/4


Rest 3 minutes


Power Cleans 5/4/3/2/1

Box Jumps 20/16/12/8/4


F:  light barbell hang power cleans; box pushups

P1:  135/95 (part 1), 155/105 (part 2)

P1.5:  115/75, 135/95

P2:  95/65, 115/75

C:  155/105, 185/125; handstand pushups 15/12/9/6/3; box jump overs

C+:  squat cleans

Jacque Hagen