Friday April 19, 2024


2:00 bike/row

5/way halos

10 plank pull throughs

10/side half kneeling OH press

10/side half kneeling pallof press

10 banded pull aparts

10 banded ext. pull aparts

10 banded straight arm pull downs

10 banded hollow body pull downs

10 kip swings

3-5 negative pullups



Thread the needle :30/side



CrossFit Games Quarterfinals Workout #3 (BHCF version)


3 rounds:

15 pushups

10 toes to bar


2 rounds:

10 dips (matador or ring)

15 pullups


1 round:

10 wall climbs

10 strict pullups


F:  box pushups; 20 situps instead of toes to bar; box dips; 20 ring rows instead of pullups; omit the final round OR modify by doing 15 box pushups and 15 ring rows

P1:  as written

P2:  hanging knee raises; deficit or regular pushups instead of dips and wall climbs; chest to bar or regular pullups instead of strict pullups


3 rounds:


20 TTB

2 rounds:

10 strict HSPU

5 rope climbs

1 round:

10 chest to wall HSPU

20 muscle ups


15 minute time cap for C.  Modify C by ignoring that and finishing. 


Lots of ways to modify this workout.  Combine options to make it the best workout for you.


Skill/Strength (optional)

CrossFit Games Quarterfinals Workout #4 (BHCF version)



10 clean and jerks (135/85)

10 clean and jerks (185/125)

10 clean and jerks (225/155)

AMRAP clean and jerks (245/165)


Modify by reducing weight.


Jacque Hagen