Friday April 8, 2022


2 Lap jog or 1:30 Bike/Row

2 Rounds:

10/Leg RDL w/ DB

10/Side Lateral Box Step-ups

10 Lunges w/ DB

3/Side SA Devil’s Press



T-Spine Stretch 1:00

Forearm Stretch :30/Side




6x3 @ 75% of training max

1xAMRAP at 75%


Stop 2-3 reps short of failure on the AMRAP set.


Adjust your training max based on how many reps you got in the AMRAP set at the end of the last cycle.  For every rep beyond 5 that you got, add 2.5 lbs to your training max.



5 rounds:

12 kb swings

10 box jumps

8 toes to bar

1 lap single arm farmer carry


F:  v-ups instead of toes to bar

P1:  55/35

P2:  35/25; hanging knee raises

C:  alternating dumbbell snatch (50/35) instead of kb swings; db step ups instead of box jumps


KB or DB must be carried in your hand for the farmer carries.  You may switch hands as desired.  Brisk walk is ok but no running. 

Jacque Hagen