Friday August 25, 2023


1:30 bike/row

2 rounds:

5 Bent over row to overhead position

10 Glute bridges

3 x 5 Air squats + broad jumps



Pigeon pose :30/side

Banded front rack stretch :30/side



Superset 4x8

Bench Press (barbell or dumbbell)

Row (barbell bent over, Pendlay, or single DB with leg on bench)


WOD Primer

2 rounds:

5 box jumps/step up

3 Back squats

:30 hold (DB/KB; Medball/D-ball; Plate)


Box Jump Overs 21/18/15

Back Squats 21/18/15

Carry Laps 2/2/2


Carry options:  1) single DB or KB; 2) heavy medball or d-ball; 3) plate – or one round of each option


Choose a challenging weigh for the carry. 


Back squat from the rack.


F:  light barbell or KB goblet squats

P1:  185/125

P1.5:  155/105

P2:  135/95

Jacque Hagen