Friday December 22, 2023


2:00 bike/row


“Capture the flag”


-Everyone has a towel on their hip (tucked into shorts/pants)


-Everyone against everyone


-If your flag is grabbed a movement penalty occurs

               -First penalty: 5 air squats

               -Second penalty: 3 burpees

               -Third penalty: 1 wallclimb or 3 pushups


-If your flag is grabbed a 4th time, you are eliminated


-Once eliminated hold a plank or wall sit


Play 2-3 rounds depending on class size/time



Your choice of 1 upper body and 1 lower body stretch



Get warmed up for the WOD



12 Days of Christmas


1 strict pullup

2 shoulder to overhead

3 hang power cleans

4 deadlifts

5 pushups

6 pullups

7 box jumps

8 KB lunges (alternating r/l)

9 KB goblet squats

10 burpees

11 chest to bar pullups

12 wall climbs


Choose your own barbell and KB weight, heaviest possible unbroken.


F:  ring rows for all pullups; box pushups for all pushups

P1:  as written

P2:  all regular pullups; dips instead of wall climbs



1 ring muscle up

2 shoulder to overhead

3 hang power cleans

4 deadlifts

5 handstand pushups

6 strict pullups

7 box jumps

8 front rack lunges (alternating r/l)

9 front squats

10 burpees

11 chest to bar pullups

12 wall climbs

Jacque Hagen