Friday December 3, 2021


10 Banded pull aparts

10 Banded OH press

10 Banded Good Mornings

10/Arm SA upright row

10 Russian KBS

10 Goblet Squat

:30 Handstand or Headstand Hold



Thread the needle :30/Side

Couch stretch :30/Side



EMOM 10:

Even minutes: 3 power snatches (optional +2 overhead squats)

Odd minutes:  5 strict handstand pushups


Modify the HSPU by doing strict dips (ring, matador, or box) or pushups (floor or box).  No kipping.  Increase or decrease reps as necessary.  The goal for the HSPU is the highest possible number that’s sustainable for all 5 rounds.



Power Snatch 21/15/9

Situps 45/30/15


Immediately into:


Front Squats 21/15/9

Pushups 30/20/10


F:  light barbell hang power snatch; kb goblet squats; box pushups

P1:  95/65

P2:  75/55

C:  115/75; GHD situps 21/15/9; overhead squats instead of front squats; wallclimbs 12/9/6 instead of pushups


The barbell should be relatively light, especially for the power snatch. 

Jacque Hagen