Friday February 16, 2024
1:30 bike/row; Then..
2 rounds: Use light KB or DB
5/way Halos
5/side Split squats
5/side Lateral lunges (with or without KB)
5 Goblet squats
5 Squat w/ pallof press (drop into squat then perform 5 pallof presses while holding squat position)
10 KB marches (do all 10 on one side, then switch sides on 2nd round)
10/side Fire hydrants
10 Scapular pullups
Couch stretch :30/side
Child’s pose 1:00
WOD Primer: 2 rounds
4 cals
3 negative pullups
5 back squats
3 strict pullups
3 rounds:
10/8 cal bike
10 pullups
20 back squats
10 pullups
10/8 cals
Rest 3 minutes between rounds
F: ring rows; light barbell or KB goblet squats
P1: 115/75
P1.5: 95/65
P2: 75/55
C: overhead squats (choose a light to moderate weight); chest to bar pullups
C+: 4 rounds
Squat from the rack if you’re not comfortable cleaning it to your back (and if space permits).
Use a rower if 1) all bikes are taken or, 2) you’re not going to come to the gym if you have to bike (you know who you are).
Overhead Squat 3-4x3
Or use this time to just practice OHS mobility.