Friday January 17, 2025


1:30 bike/row

10 air squats

10/side RDL

5 squat with forward press

10/side overhead press

10 goblet squats

5/side thruster



Banded shoulder distraction :30/side

Banded hamstring stretch 1:00/side



Work up to something 30-50 lbs heavier than your working weight for the WOD for a couple of sets of 3 or 4



4 rounds:

30 situps

10 deadlifts

20 wallballs


Rest 3 minutes between rounds


F:  15 KB SDHP

P1:  225/155

P1.5:  185/125

P2:  135/95

C:  255/175; 10 toes to bar OR 15/12 ski cals OR 20 GHD instead of situps; heavy wallball, add 5 strict HSPU at the end of each round


Modify C by doing a different HSPU variation. 

Jacque Hagen