Friday January 28, 2022


1:30 Bik/Row

2 Rounds:

8 SA DB Bent over row

8 SA DB Lateral raise

8 Box step ups-1st round (Box Jumps-2nd round)

:20 Plank



Front Rack Stretch on Box 1:00



Shoulder Press

1x5 at 50% of training max

1x3 at 60%

1x1 at 70%

1xAMRAP at 75% (cap of 20)


True max effort on the AMRAP set.  If you have another rep in you, do it.  Next week is deload week.



11 rounds:

1 pullup

1 pushup

1 box jump


Add 1 rep to each movement in each subsequent round (1-11)


F:  ring rows; box pushups

P1:  strict pullups (rounds 1-5), chest to bar pullups (rounds 6-10), regular pullups (round 11); handstand pushups (rounds 1-5), deficit pushups (rounds 6-11) (45/25 plate)

P2:  all regular pullups and pushups

C:  bar muscle ups (rounds 1-5), chest to bar pullups (rounds 6-11); wall climbs (rounds 1-5), handstand pushups (rounds 6-11); dumbbell step ups (50/35) instead of box jumps 

C+:  ring muscle ups; strict handstand pushups


Combine options as desired.

Jacque Hagen