Friday July 16, 2021


2:00 Bike/Row

10 x PVC Pass Throughs

10 x PVC Around the Worlds

10 x PVC OH Squat

5 x PVC Snatch Balance

10 x Alt. DB Snatch

5/Arm x DB Single Arm OH Squat

10 x Glute Bridges

5/Leg x Single Leg Glute Bridge



Pigeon Pose :30/Leg

Front Rack Stretch :30/Leg




3 snatches (full or power)




2 power snatches + 2 overhead squats


Heaviest possible with good technique


WOD (14 minute time cap)

9 toes to bar

12 db snatches (alternating r/l)

15 wallballs


6 rounds


Choose your own db weight.  Note your weight with your time.


F:  medball v-ups; light db

P1:  as written

P2:  hanging knee raises

C:  heavy wallball

Jacque Hagen