Friday March 17, 2023


2:00 Bike/Row

10/Side OH Press

10/Side RDL

5 Goblet Squats

5 Inchworms w/ pushup

:20 Hollow Body Hold

:20 Superman Hold

10 Kip Swings


Banded Shoulder Distraction :30/Side

Banded Hamstring Stretch :30/Side



45 toes to bar in fewest sets possible


Reduce reps as necessary. 


Then, accumulate 5-10 mins at the bottom of a squat.  Offset weight if necessary by holding on to the rig or a band, etc. 


WOD Primer

2 rounds:

5 cals

5 Squats (1st round front squats, 2nd round back squats)



3 rounds:

15/12 cal row or bike

7 front squats

13 back squats

15/12 cals


Rest 5 minutes between rounds.


Squat from the rack.  Choose your own weight.  Heaviest possible but all unbroken (other than switching between front and back).  


F:  20 kb goblet squats; 2 rounds

C:  bike cals; add 1 rope climb (legless if possible) at the beginning and end of each round

Jacque Hagen