Friday March 18, 2022


1:30 Bike/Row

10 Banded Pull Aparts

10 Banded Ext. Rotation Pull Aparts

10 Banded OH Press

10 Banded Good Morning

10 Squat Jumps

10 Box Dips

10 Hollow Body Rocks

L-Sit Hang :30-:45 (Modify w/ static hang)



Pigeon Pose on Box :30/Side

Front Rack Stretch on Box :30/Side




1x5 at 65% of training max

1x5 at 72.5%

3x5 at 77.5%

1xAMRAP at 77.5%


Stop 1-2 reps short of failure on the AMRAP set.



In 12 minutes:

AMRAP cal row or bike



3:00 perform 25 box jumps

6:00 perform 25 dips

9:00 perform 25 toes to bar


Your score is the total cals accomplished.  The toes to bar/dips/box jumps can be performed in any order as long as you do 25 of each.


F:  reduce reps to 15 or 20; v-ups instead of toes to bar; box dips

P1/P2:  as written (matador dips acceptable)

C:  30 box jump overs; 10 ring muscle ups instead of dips; 30 toes to bar

Jacque Hagen