Friday May 5, 2023


1:30 Bike/Row

10 Banded OH Press

10 Banded OH Pull Apart

10/Side Banded Monster Walk

10 Banded Straight Arm Pull Down

10 Banded Tricep Extension

10 Sit-up w/ plate (full ext. at top)

5 Goblet Squat w/ plate

10 Squat w/ reach



T-Spine Stretch 1:00

Toe Elevated Ankle Stretch :30/side



Overhead Squat 4-5 x 3

Go heavy, or use light weight and focus on technique and mobility.  Modify by doing a different squat variation. 


WOD Primer

2 Rounds:

5 Cals

3 Front Squats

3 Box or Bench Dips


25 front squats

25/20 cal row or bike

20 matador dips

20/16 cals

20 front squats

15/12 cals

15 matador dips

10/8 cals

15 front squats


F:  KB goblet squats; bench dips or box pushups

P1:  95/65

P2:  75/55

C:  overhead squats; ring dips; bike cals; 2 rope climbs after each set of squats (6 total)

Jacque Hagen