Friday November 26, 2021


10/Side Banded Pallof Press

2 Rounds:

4 DB Strict Press

4 DB Front Squat

4/Side SA DB OH Squat or (8)Goblet Squats

4 Navy Seal Burpee


Downward Dog :30

Downward Dog Toe Tap x 10



Barbell Warmup


Practice the barbell movements in the WOD and warm up to working weight.



Tommy Mac


2 rounds:

12 burpees

12 thrusters

12 burpees

12 power snatches

12 burpees

12 shoulder to overhead

12 burpees

12 hang squat cleans

12 burpees

12 overhead squats


F:  1 round; wallballs for thrusters; alternating DB snatch for power snatch; light barbell for shoulder to overhead; kb swings for hang power cleans; kb goblet squats for overhead squats

P1:  95/65

P2:  75/55

C:  115/75


The Comp version is the official RX for this workout.


Modify the hang squat cleans by doing hang power cleans and the overhead squats by doing back squats.  Combine options as desired. 


Classes at 530am, 830am, and 11am.  All other classes are cancelled.  Get to the gym and earn yourself some more pumpkin pie. 

Jacque Hagen