Friday Oct. 23, 2020

Warm Up:
2:00 Row
20 Duck Walks
20 Raises (45# plate)
20 Alt. Groiners
20 Seated Wall Slides 

Mobility:  Banded Pigeon 1:00/Side

Back Squat:
Establish a new 1RM* 

*Next week we will start phase 2 of the squat program.  We’ll be doing back squats on Monday (based on your new max) and Front squats on Friday (based on the max you established 4 weeks ago)

WOD (Strict 16-minute time cap)
500m Row
12 Deadlifts (bodyweight)
21 Box Jumps 

F: KB Sumo DL High Pulls
P1/P2/C:  As written

Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility (optional)
Calf Foam Roll 1:00/Side
Glute Foam Roll 1:00/Side

Jacque Hagen