Friday October 25, 2024
1:30 bike/row
High Knees (down & back)
Butt Kicks (down & back)
High toe touch (down)
Low toe touch (back)
Skip (down & back)
Carioca (down & back)
Lunge (down)
5 inchworms + 10 duck walks
Child’s pose 1:00
BB warmup
10 elbow rotations
5 shrugs
5 high pulls
5 hang cleans
5 split jerks
Work up to a moderate-heavy 3 rep clean and jerk (touch and go OR drop the from the top and quick reset)
Laps 3/2/1
Power Cleans 12/9/6
End with 30/24 cal bike
Rest 5 minutes
Laps 3/2/1
Shoulder to Overhead 12/9/6
End with 30/24 cal row
Modify the run by rowing 150m for each lap
F: light barbell or double DB
P1: 135/95 (PC), 115/75 (STO)
P1.5: 115/75, 95/65
P2: 95/65, 75/55
C: squat cleans; 155/105, 135/95