Friday October 7, 2022

Friday October 7, 2022



2:00 Bike/Row

10/Side DB OH Press

10/Side DB Lateral Raises

10/Side Lateral Box Step Ups

10 Mountain Climbers

10 Fire Hydrants

10 Squat Jumps

10 Cat/Cows



Prayer Stretch 1:00

Pigeon Pose on Box :30/Side



Seated Dumbbell Strict Press 3-4x8



3 rounds:

10 box jumps

15 shoulder to overhead

20 situps


Directly into:


3 rounds:

10 box jumps

15 situps

20 kb swings


F:  reduce reps; light barbell shoulder to overhead; light kb

P1:  95/65; 55/35

P2:  75/55; 35/25

C:  115/75; DB snatch (alternating r/l) (50/35) instead of KB swings; 10 GHD situps every time (60 total); box jump overs


Combine options as desired.

Jacque Hagen