Friday September 10, 2021


2 Rounds:

1:00 Bike

8 KB Deadlift

8 KB Single Arm Hang Clean

8 KB Single Arm Press

10 Walking Lunges w/ Twist



10 BB Good Mornings

Downward Facing Dog 1:00



For time:

1 sled push down (length of building)

2 laps kb farmer carry

1 sled push back (length of building)


Go heavy on the sled.


Then, spend a few minutes warming up to working weight for the movements in the WOD.



20/16 cal row or bike

25 deadlifts

20/16 cals

20 power cleans

20/16 cals

15 clean and jerks

20/16 cals


F:  double dumbbell for all barbell reps

P1:  135/95

P2:  95/65

C:  155/105 or more

Jacque Hagen