Friday September 20, 2024
1:30 bike/row
10 air squats
10 squat jumps
10 glute bridges
10/side overhead press
10/side upright row
10/side RDL
10 plank pull throughs
Banded front rack stretch :30/side
Banded knight stretch :30/side
BB Warmup
10 elbow rotations
5 shrugs
5 high pulls
5 tall cleans
5 jerks (split or push)
Work up to a heavy clean and jerk – then, 4-5 reps at 90%, focusing on quality reps
100 wallballs
EMOM, beginning at go, perform 3 clean and jerks
At 7:00, reduce c/j to 2
At 14:00, reduce c/j to 1
F: reduce wallball reps or do air squats; light barbell or double DB hang power clean and jerk
P1: 135/95
P1.5: 115/85
P2: 95/65
C: 155/105; 125 wallballs
C+: 185/125; 150 wallballs
Just a reminder that typically men throw the 20lb ball to the 10 foot line; women throw the 14lb ball to the 9 foot line.