Monday April 29, 2024
1:30 bike/row
10/side OH press
10/side upright row
10 goblet squats
5/side DB thruster
10 hollow body rocks
10 kip swings
3 negative pullups
Child’s pose on foam roller or yoga block 1:00
Spend around 10 minutes warming up, or working up to something heavy.
WOD Primer
2 rounds:
5 thrusters
5 pullups or ring rows
35 thrusters
35/28 cal row or bike
Rest 2 mins
30 pullups
30/24 cals
Rest 2 mins
25 thrusters
25/20 cals
Rest 2 mins
20 pullups
20/16 cals
Rest 2 mins
15 thrusters
15/12 cals
F: reduce reps (30/25/20/15/10); wallballs or light DBs instead of thrusters; ring rows
P1: 45/35, 75/55/ 95/65 (round of 35/25/15 respectively)
P1.5: all thrusters 75/55
P2: all thrusters 45/35
C: 75/55, 95/65, 115/75; bike cals; chest to bar pullups