Monday December 18, 2023
1:30 bike/row
Side shuffle (down & back)
10 cossack squats
Knee pulls (down)
5 1 ¼ air squats
Quad pulls (back)
10/side fire hydrants
Reverse lunges (down)
5 inchworms + 10 duck walks (back)
10 squat to stands
:20/side samson stretch
10 downward dog toe taps
10 shin switches
Retest your one rep max back squat and front squat
WOD Primers
2 rounds
100m row
6 air squats
5 situps
4 pushups
3 pullups
2 rounds
100m row
4 wallballs
3 toes to bar/hanging knee raise
2 negative pullups
CrossFit Baseline
500m row
40 air squats
30 situps
20 pushups
10 pullups
F: box pushups; ring rows
500m row
40 wallballs
30 toes to bar
20 matador dips
10 strict pullups
C: 40 pistols (alternating r/l) instead of wallballs; 20 handstand pushups; 10 bar muscle ups
Combine options as desired. Do both if you’d like, or each a couple of times.