Monday February 19, 2024


:30 of each bike/ski/row

15 banded pull aparts

15 banded ext. pull aparts

15 banded OH press

15 banded good mornings

15 banded bent over row

10 bird dogs

:30 plank

10 cat/cows



Thread the needle :30/side

Pigeon pose :30/side


WOD Primer

2 rounds:

4 shoulder to overhead

4 situps

4 DB snatch


4 rounds:

12 shoulder to overhead

24 situps

18 DB snatch (alternating r/l)


You must also complete 80/64 cals (row/bike/ski or any combination thereof) at any point during the WOD.  The cals can be partitioned however you desire. 


Choose your own DB weight.


F:  reduce reps/rounds/cals; light barbell; light DB

P1:  95/65

P2:  75/55

C:  115/75; 50/35 minimum DB; 18 GHD situps or ball slams instead of regular situps



45 strict pullups in fewest sets possible


Modify by reducing reps (30) and/or by using a band, doing jumping pullups with a controlled negative, doing ring rows, or by doing inverted rows. 

Jacque Hagen