Monday February 24, 2025


1:30 bike/row

10 air squats

10 Cossack squats

10/side overhead press

10 goblet squats

5/side thruster

10 cat/cows

10 glute bridges



Banded hamstring stretch 1:00/side

Banded shoulder distraction :30/side



Dumbbell Bench Press 3-4x8-10



2 KB/DB farmer carry down and backs (2 KBs)

15 burpees

25 wallballs


4 rounds.  Rest 2 minutes between rounds.


F:  light KB/DB

P1:  70/45

P1.5:  55/35

P2:  35/25

C:  2 down and backs to rig in meatlocker; heavy wallball

Will Williams