Monday January 22, 2024
3 Sets of
:30 row/ski/bike
Set 1) 5 Inch Worms + 2 Pushups
Set 2) 10 Kip Swings + 10 Glute Bridges
Set 3) 5 Strict Pullups or 3 Negative Pullups + 5 Burpees
15 Banded Pull-Aparts
15 Banded Lat Pull Downs
15 Banded Passthroughs
:30 Wall Hinge Stretch
BB Warmup
5 Tempo Bench Press
5 Pause Bench Press
3 Pause Tempo Bench Press (1 inch above chest)
Paused Bench Press 5x3
Pause and hold for two seconds, 1 inch above the chest. Moderate weight (approximately 50%-60% of one rep max). Focus on speed on the way up.
WOD Primer
2 rounds:
5 pushups
5 KB swings
5 pullups
5 rounds:
21 pushups
12 KB swings
9 pullups
F: box pushups; ring rows
P1: 70/45; 9 chest to bar pullups or 6 strict pullups
P1.5: 55/35; 9 regular pullups or 6 chest to bar or 3 strict pullups
P2: 32/55; all regular pullups; 15 pushups
C: DB snatch instead of KB swings (50/35 minimum); 6 bar muscle ups
Modify the muscle ups/pullups as necessary to make it the best workout for you.