Monday January 23, 2023


2:00 Bike/Row

10/Side OH Press

5 Goblet Squats

5/Side DB Thruster

10/Side Fire Hydrants

10 Cat/Camels

10 Scapular Pullups



10 Squat to Stands

:20/Side Samson Stretch

:20 Downward Dog

10 Shin Switches



Paused Back Squat 4-5x3


Light to moderate weight.  Three second pause at the bottom.  Focus on form and speed on the ascent.


WOD Primer

2 Rounds:

3 wallballs

3 pullups/ring rows



5 rounds:

7 wallballs

5 pullups


Rest 2 mins


3 rounds:

9 wallballs

6 pullups


Rest 2 mins


1 round:

21 wallballs

15 pullups


F:  air squats or light wallball; ring rows

P1/P2:  as written

C:  strict pullups (part 1), bar muscle ups (part 2), chest to bar (part 3); heavy wallball

C+:  thrusters 75/55 instead of wallballs

Jacque Hagen