Monday January 27, 2025
250m row
20 mountain climbers
10 air squats
10/side side bends
5/side split squats
10/side half kneeling overhead press
5 situps w/ overhead ext.
:20/side plank
10 squat to stand
:20/samson stretch
10 shin switches
Prayer stretch 1:00
Paused Back Squat 3-4x4
Three second pause. Light to moderate weight.
5 rounds:
300m row
15 front squats
15 shoulder to overhead
F: 4 rounds; KB goblet squats; light barbell shoulder to overhead
P1: 95/65
P1.5: 75/55
P2: 45/35
C: 115/75 front squat; 9 strict handstand pushups instead of shoulder to overhead
Modify C by doing reducing the HSPU reps and/or by doing a different HSPU variation.
Larger classes, do in heats so everyone has access to a rower, or modify by beginning with 1500m row and doing 5 rounds of the FS/STO.