Monday June 10, 2024


2:00 bike/row

10/side KB upright row

10/side Russian KBS

5 goblet squats

10 plank pull throughs

10 banded pull aparts

10 banded OH press

10 banded straight arm pull downs

10 banded tricep extension

10 banded face pulls



Thread the needle :30/side

Pigeon Pose :30/side



Strict Pullups 5x6-8


Modify upward by adding weight or increasing reps.  Modify downward by reducing reps and adding sets, or by doing jumping pullups with a controlled negative, or by using a band. 


WOD Primer

2 rounds:

5 KB swings

5 pushups

5 KB goblet squats



20 KB swings

10 pushups

20 KB goblet squats

10 pushups


Cap of 5 rounds.  If you finish, write your time on the board.


F:  light KB; box pushups; air squats instead of goblet squats; 4 round cap

P1:  55/35

P2:  35/25

C:  DB snatch (50/35 or more) (alternating r/l) instead of KB swings; DB goblet squats; handstand walk length of turf instead of pushups

C+:  DB overhead squats instead of goblet squats


Modify the pushups by doing deficit pushups or ring pushups. 

Jacque Hagen