Monday March 11, 2024
2 laps or 1:30 bike/row
High knees (down & back)
5 no push up burpee
Butt kicks (down & Back)
10 air squats
High toe touch (down)
Low toe touch (back)
10 squat jumps
Carioca (down & back)
10 mountain climbers
Lunge w/ reach (down)
5 inchworms + 10 duck walks (back)
Banded front rack stretch :30/side
Banded knight stretch :30/side
Front Squat 4x3
WOD Primer
2 rounds:
1 lap
5 wallballs
3 burpees
In 4 minutes:
2 laps run
20 wallballs
AMRAP burpees in remaining time
5 rounds. Rest 1 minute between rounds. Your score is the total burpees accomplished.
Modify the run by rowing 300m.
F: reduce reps and/or rounds; air squats instead of wallballs
P1: as written
P2: 15 wallballs
C: heavy wallball
C+: 10 barbell thrusters (95/65 or more) instead of wallballs; burpee box jump overs