Monday March 14, 2022

Warmup  (Use a LIGHT DB)

1:30 Bike/Row

10 DB Goblet Squat

10 Plank DB Pull Throughs

10/arm Upright Row

10/arm Lateral Raises

10 Banded Quad Lean Backs



Squat to Stand x10

Samson Stretch :20/Side

Downward Dog :30

Shin Switch x 10



Back Squat

1x5 at 65% of training max

1x5 at 72.5%

3x5 at 77.5%

1xAMRAP at 77.5%


Stop 1-2 reps short of failure on the AMRAP set.


WOD (20 minute time cap)

3 rounds:

20 hang dumbbell snatch (alternating r/l)

20 pushups

20 db box step ups (alternating r/l)

20/16 cal row or bike


Choose your own DB weight. 


F:  light DB; box pushups; unweighted step ups

P1/P2:  as written

C:  50/35 db; bike cals

Jacque Hagen