Monday March 21, 2022
1:30 Bike/Row
10/Side Banded Monster Walk
10/Leg RDL
10/Arm Russian KBS
10 Reverse Lunges
5 Inchworms
10 Squat to Stand
Banded Ankle Mobility :30/Side
Wall Hinge Stretch 1:00
Back Squat
1x5 at 50%
1x3 at 60%
1x2 at 70%
1x1 at 75%
1x1 at 80%
1xAMRAP at 85%
Record the number of reps you get on your AMRAP set.
Then, spend some time warming up deadlifts.
In 3 minutes:
15 deadlifts
75 double unders
AMRAP cal bike
3 rounds. Rest 3 minutes between rounds. Your score is the total cals accomplished.
F: 20 kb sdhp; single unders
P1: 185/125
P2: 135/95; 50 double unders
C: 225/155; 100 double unders