Monday November 21, 2022
2:00 Bike/Row
10 BB Bent Over Row
10 BB Toe Up RDL
5 Squat w/ Forward Press (10# or 15# plate)
:30 Ring Hold (in lockout position)
5 Negative Ring Dips
10 Banded Hollow Body Pull downs
10 Squat to Stand
:20/Side Samson Stretch
:20 Downward Dog
10 Shin Switches
Front Squat
4-5x2 at 85% of 2 rep max
Then, spend some time warming up for the WOD.
Nasty Girls
3 rounds:
50 air squats
7 ring muscle ups
10 hang power cleans (135/95)
F: 21 ring rows instead of muscle ups; 20 kb swings instead of hang power cleans
P1: 135/95; 14 chest to bar pullups instead of muscle ups
P1.5: 115/75; 14 regular pullups instead of muscle ups
P2: 95/65; 14 jumping pullups instead of muscle ups
C: as written
Modify the MU by doing bar muscle ups.
Optional Workout of the Week:
In 4 minutes:
20/16 cal row
15 burpees over the rower
AMRAP jump rope (double or single unders)