Monday September 12, 2022
1:30 Bike/Row
3 Air Squats + Broad Jump x 3-5, Then…
2 Rounds:
10/Arm SA Kneeling OH Press
10 Scapular Pushups
5 Inchworms
10 Squat to Stands
:20 Samson Stretch
:30 Downward Dog
10 Shin Switches
Back Squat
2-4x5 at 95% of 5 rep max
1xAMRAP at 95%
Two to four sets of five, followed by one AMRAP set. At these percentages, most people should finish with 3-4 sets total.
This is the last week in the lifting cycle. We will retest 5 rep maxes next week.
25/20 cal row or bike
1 round:
35 wallballs
25 pushups
25/20 cals
2 rounds:
20 wallballs
15 pushups
25/20 cals
F: reduce reps of all movements; box pushups
P1: as written
P2: 30 wallballs/20 pushups (round 1), 15 wallballs/10 pushups (rounds 2-3)
C: 15 handstand pushups (round 1), 10 handstand pushups (rounds 2-3); heavy wallball; bike cals
C+: strict handstand pushups