Monday September 16, 2024
2:00 bike/row
10 Cossack squats
10 jumping lunges
10/side bent over row
10/side lateral raises
10/side seated overhead press
Scapular pullups
3 Negative pullups
10 squat to stands
:20/side Samson stretch
:20 downward dog
10 shin switches
Banded shoulder distraction :30/side
Front Squat 4/3/2/2
Add weight each set. If desired, add a third set of 2.
AMRAP 15 or 8 rounds:
12 DB snatch (alternating r/l)
9 box jumps
6 pullups
Choose your own DB snatch weight.
F: KB swings instead of snatches; ring rows instead of pullups
P1: strict pullups
P1.5: chest to bar pullups
P2: regular pullups
C: 50/35 DB; single DB box stepups; 3 muscle ups instead of pullups