Monday September 30, 2024


1:30 bike/row

5 no pushup burpees

10 scapular pushups

5 1 ¼ air squat

5/way halos

10/side Russian KBS

10/side upright row

10 plank pull throughs

3/side Turkish get up



10 squat to stands

:20 samson stretch

10 downward dog toe taps

10 shin switches



Front Squat 4/3/2/2



In 4 minutes, complete:

5 single arm devil’s press

12/9 cals

5 single arm devil’s press (other arm)


In remaining time, AMRAP:

3 strict pullups

5 pushups

7 air squats


5 rounds.  Rest 1 minute between rounds.


Choose your own DB weight.


Pick up each round where you left off for the AMRAP.  Your score is the total rounds/reps.


F:  burpees instead of devil’s press; ring rows; box pushups

P1:  as written

P1.5:  chest to bar kipping pullups

P2:  regular pullups

C:  3 double arm devil’s press (50/35); 15/12 bike cals; 3 ring muscle ups instead of pullups

Comp is the WOD from September 21, 2024.  Modify by doing bar muscle ups.

Jacque Hagen