Monday September 5, 2022
1:30 Bike/Row or 2 Laps
High Knees (Down)
10 Squat Jumps
Butt Kicks (Back)
10 Mountain Climbers
Knee Pulls (Down)
10/Side Leg swings
Quad Pulls (Back)
10/Side Fire Hydrants
Carioca (Down & Back)
10 Scapular Pulllups
10 Hollow Body Swings
L-sit hold/Leg lifts (Accumulate :30 or 10/Side)
Pigeon Pose :30/Side
Thread the Needle :30/side
Clean and Jerk 3x1
Go heavy, or use light weight and practice technique.
In 15 minutes:
2 burpee bar muscle ups
800m run
2017m row
If you finish in less than 15 mins, rest the remaining time.
Then (beginning at 15:00)…
7 strict pullups
7 wallballs
7 clean and jerks
7 toes to bar
7 box jumps
F: ring rows; double DB or light barbell c/j; situps
P1: 135/95
P1.5: 115/75
P2: 95/65; kipping pullups
C: 165/115
RIP Austin O’Cilka. Never forgotten.
Classes at 530am, 830am, and 11am. All other classes are cancelled. Happy Labor Day!