Thursday April 20, 2023
1:30 bike/row
10 PVC Pass Throughs
:20/side PVC PNF Stretch
5 Goble Squat w/ Forward Press
10 Glute Bridges
10 Fire Hydrants
10 Scapular Pushups
:30 Plank
Thread the Needle :30/side
Pigeon Pose :30/side
Front Rack Lunges 4-5x8
Matador Dips 4-5x5
Add weight to the dips (similar to the pullups on Tuesday) if necessary.
Modify the lunges by doing back rack, double DB, or KB goblet lunges. Modify the dips by using a box or band.
Then, spend some time getting warmed up for the WOD.
WOD Primer
2 rounds:
3 cals
4 pushups
5 situps
1 round:
30/24 cal row or bike
35 situps
25 pushups
20 front squats
2 rounds:
15/12 cals
20 situps
15 pushups
15 front squats
3 rounds:
10/8 cals
15 situps
10 pushups
10 front squats
F: kb goblet squats; box pushups
P1: 135/95
P1.5: 115/75
P2: 95/65
C: 155/105; 15 HSPU (part 1); 10 HSPU per round (part 2); 5 HSPU per round (part 3)