Thursday August 11, 2022
2:00 Bike/Row
10/Leg SL RDL
10/Side Bent Over Row
10/Side Lateral Raises
5 Squat w/ Forward Press
10 Deadbugs
3 Negative Pullups
Wall Hinge Stretch 1:00
Establish a 5 rep max deadlift
Write down your results. We are starting a five-week strength program next week with percentages based off your five rep max.
10 rounds:
3 deadlifts
5 pullups
7 wallballs
F: ring rows; 5 KB SDHP instead of deadlifts
P1: 255/165
P1.5: 225/155
P2: 185/125
C: 275/185; chest to bar pullups; heavy wallball