Thursday August 25, 2022
1:30 Row
10 Jumping Lunges
10 Scapular Push Ups
10 Air Squats
5 Broad Jumps
10/Side Paloff Press
10 Banded Hollow Body Pull Downs
10 Cat/Cows
10 Squat to Stands
:20 Samson Stretch
:20 Downward Dog
10 Shin Switches
Back Squat
3-4x5 at 87.5% of 5 rep max
1xAMRAP at 87.5%
Three or four sets of five, followed by one AMRAP set.
In 2 minutes:
9 box jumps
7 toes to bar
11 pushups
AMRAP row meters in remaining time
6 rounds. Rest 2 minutes between rounds. Your score is the meters you accomplished in your WORST round.
F: reduce reps; v-ups; box pushups
P1/P2: as written
C: box jump overs; 5 strict handstand pushups
C+: 3 wallclimbs instead of pushups