Thursday August 31, 2023


1:30 bike/row or 2 laps

High knees (down & back)

10 Russian twists w/ plate

Butt kicks (down & back)

10 Calf raises

High toe touch (down)

Low toe touch (back)

5 Situps w/ plate (full ext. at the top)

Carioca (down & back)

20 Line hops

Lunges (down)

5 Inchworms + 10 duck walks (back)

10 Banded hollow body pull downs



Thread the needle :30/side

Calf stretch :30/side



Jump Rope Practice


Spend about 15 mins working on jump rope skills.  Try to establish a new unbroken single under or double under PR.


WOD Primer

1 lap

10 single or double unders

1 lap

5 wallballs

1 lap

5 toe to bar or hanging knee raises


5 laps

30 toes to bar

4 laps

30 wallballs

3 laps

30/24 cal row or bike

2 laps

150 double unders

1 lap


F:  1 lap each time (5 total); single unders

P1:  as written

P2:  2 laps each time (10 total); 75 double unders

Jacque Hagen