Thursday August 6, 2020

Thursday August 6, 2020

Warm Up

Mobility:  Squat and Stand x 20

3 Rounds:
15 Air Squats
10 Russian KB Swings
:30 Hollow Body Hold 


Front Squat
12-9-6-3-1 (increasing to a heavy single for the day) 

WOD (Strict 20-minute Time Cap)

5 Rounds
25/18 Cal Bike/Row
20 Situps
1 Lap Single DB Farmers Carry (alternating hands whenever) 

P1:  50/35
P2:  35/25
C:  Cal Bike; 20 Wall Balls instead of Situps; Single 70/45 KB on the Farmers Carry 

Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility (optional)

Forearm Stretch 1:00

Couch Stretch  1:00/Leg

Jacque Hagen