Thursday December 29, 2022


1:30 Bike/Row

10 Cossack Squats

10 Squat Jumps

10/Side Calf Raises

10 Pogo Hops

5 Ring Dips

:20 Ring Hollow Hold



Calf Stretch :30/Side

Child’s Pose 1:00


Skill/Strength (15 minute time cap)

Flight Simulator


For time:

Unbroken Double Unders



Perform 5 unbroken DU.  Stop.  Perform 10 unbroken DU.  Stop.  Etc.


You and the rope must stop moving before starting the next set.  You may rest before starting the next set, but the clock is running.  If a set is broken, you must return to the start of that set.  For instance, if you get tripped up at 38 on the round of 40, you must begin the set of 40 all over again.


Modify by reducing reps to 10/20/30/40/50/40/30/20/10, and/or by doing unbroken single unders.





150 wallballs


20/14lb ball to the 10’/9’ line


Modify by reducing the reps to 100 or less.




CrossFit Open 13.3



150 wallballs

90 double unders

30 ring muscle ups


Modify by doing bar MU or some pullup variation instead of MU.

Jacque Hagen