Thursday February 13, 2025


1:30 bike/row

10 banded pull aparts

10/side banded overhead press

10 banded good mornings

10 banded upright row

10 bird dogs

10 cat/cows

10 glute bridges



Wall hinge stretch :30




4-5x4-6 barbell bench (heavy)

4-5x8-12 DB bench (light) (incline if desired and equipment allows)


Rest 3-5 mins between sets.




3-4x8-10 Pendlay row

3-4x10-12 reverse DB flys (


Modify the reverse flys by doing banded face pulls ( – or add them to the superset.


Those new to lifting may need to cut the sets and/or reps (3-4 sets instead of 4-5). 


WOD (optional)

In 6 minutes:

AMRAP KB Farmer Carry and/or Sandbag Carry down and back

You can carry one or the other, or combine and carry both.

Every time you drop the KBs or sandbag, perform 5 burpees and 15 air squats (or 10 pistols)

You get 1 point for down, 1 point for back, etc. Your score is the total.

Modify the sandbag by carrying a heavy slam ball or a plate.

Will Williams