Thursday February 27, 2025
300m row
High knees (down & back)
5/way halos
Butt kicks (down & back)
10/side Russian KBS
High toe touch (down)
Low toe touch (back)
10 scapular pushups
Carioca (down & back)
5 inchworms + pushup
Pigeon pose :30/side
Child’s pose 1:00
2000m row, or 1 mile run
Followed by:
9 KB swings
12 pushups
15 air squats
18/14 cals (row/bike/ski or any combination thereof)
10 rounds or 35 minutes
Light KB
F: box pushups; reduce rounds/time
P1/P2: as written
C: 1 handstand walk length of turf instead of pushups
If you want to shorten this workout, omit the row/run at the start and just do the 10 rounds.
If you are concerned about being fresh for the Open WOD on Friday, stop after 5 or 6 rounds.