Thursday January 2, 2025
1:30 bike/row
10 air squats
10/side upright row
5 no pushup burpees
10 plank pull throughs
5 no pushup burpees
10/side gorilla row
5 no pushup burpees
5/side thruster
5 inchworms + pushup
Wall hinge stretch :30
Bench Press 3x8 (barbell or DB)
Row 3x8 (Pendlay, barbell, or DB)
Matador Dips 3xAMRAP
Or use this time to practice overhead squats and get warmed up for the WOD.
CrossFit Open 20.1
AMRAP 15 or 10 rounds:
8 barbell ground to overhead (95/65)
10 bar facing burpees
F: kb swings; regular burpees
P1: as written (this is RX for this workout)
P2: 75/55
Air Force WOD
20 thrusters
20 sumo deadlift high pulls
20 shoulder to overhead
20 overhead squats
20 front squats
Every minute, beginning with “go,” perform 4 burpees.
F: light or empty barbell
P1: 95/65
P2: 75/55
Modify the OHS by doing back squats instead.