Thursday January 9, 2025
2 rounds:
150m row
10 scapular pushups
:30 plank
Wall hinge stretch :30
Establish a 6 rep max strict press
WOD (25 minute time cap)
10 rounds:
15 situps
10 pushups
Begin AND end with 750m row
F: box pushups
P1: as written
P2: 500m row
C: 3 wallclimbs instead of pushups; 10 GHD situps and/or 10/8 ski cals instead of regular situps
Modify C by doing a different HSPU variation (strict, kipping, etc.).
This week’s workouts will be our 2025 BHCF Benchmarks. Please record both your bench press weight AND time for the WOD. We will redo the WOD mid year to test progress. We will redo the strength periodically throughout the year.