Thursday July 11, 2024


1:30 bike row

10 PVC pass throughs

5/way PVC around the worlds

5/way halos

10/side lateral raises

10/side half kneeling OH press

3/side Turkish get up (light weight or no weight

10 banded hollow body pull downs

10 kip swings

3-5 negative pullups



Wall hinge stretch :30

PNF stretch w/ PVC :30/side



Skills Practice

Double Unders, Bar Muscle Ups, Kipping, Turkish Getups



6 rounds or 20 minutes, whatever happens first:

5 toes to bar

5 chest to bar pullups

5 regular pullups

25 situps

45 double unders


F:  reduce rounds; single unders; 15 ring rows instead of the bar complex

P1:  as written

P2:  5 hanging knee raises > 10 regular pullups; 25 double unders

C:  bar complex is:  3 bar muscle ups > 6 toes to bar > 9 chest to bar; 15 GHD situps, slam balls, or 10/8 ski cals instead of regular situps


Adjust the bar reps as necessary depending on ability.

Jacque Hagen