Thursday March 6, 2025


1:30 bike/row 

10 speed skaters 

10 mountain climbers 

10 air squats 

10 squat jumps 

20 line hops

20 wall leaning calf raises 

10 kip swings 



Child’s pose 1:00

Pigeon pose :30/side 



Spend about 10 minutes practicing double unders 



5 rounds:

12 toes to bar

15/12 cal row or bike

24 wallballs

15/12 cal row or bike

48 double unders


You must also complete:

20/15 sandbag carry down and backs (at any point and partitioned as desired) (20 for men; 15 for women)


35 minute time cap


Modify the sandbag carry by doing farmer carries or plate/slamball carries.  


F:  v-ups or 20 situps; air squats instead of wallballs; single unders

P1:  as written

P2:  hanging knee raises; 24 double unders

C:  heavy wallball; bike cals


Modify this workout by reducing rounds/reps/time cap.  


If you are concerned that 25.1 will contain some element of this WOD (almost guaranteed), modify accordingly.

Will Williams