Thursday March 7, 2024


2:00 bike/row

5 air squats

10 squat jumps

5/way halos

10/side RDL

10/side Russian KBS

5/side KB thruster

10 glute bridges



Wall hinge stretch :30



Work up to a heavy snatch (full or power)


WOD Primer

5 KB swings

5 box jumps

5 wallballs

5 toes to bar


15 KB swings

30 box jumps

15 KB swings

45 wallballs

15 KB swings

30 toes to bar

15 KB swings


F:  light KB; slam balls or V-ups instead of toes to bar

P1:  70/45

P1.5:  55/35

P2:  35/25

C:  10 power snatches (115/75 + or -) instead of KB swings; +10 reps to the box jumps, wallballs, and toes to bar

C+:  full snatches


Combine options as desired. 

Jacque Hagen