Thursday May 2, 2024
1:30 bike/row/ski
10 air squats
10 squat jumps
10 banded pull aparts
10 banded ext. pull aparts
10 banded OH press
10 banded good mornings
10 banded hollow body pull downs
10 kip swings
10 bird dogs
10 cat/cows
Thread the needle :30/side
Pigeon pose :30/side
EMOM 10:
1 clean and jerk
5 toes to bar
Modify the toes to bar by doing 1) hanging knee raises, 2 ball slams, or 3) v-ups.
WOD Primer
2 rounds:
5 situps
6 box jumps
3 clean and jerks
3 rounds:
30 situps
20 box jumps
10 clean and jerks
F: light barbell or double DB hang clean and jerk
P1: 135/95
P1.5: 115/75
P2: 95/65
C: 155/105; 25 GHD situps OR 25/20 ski cals instead of situps; box jump overs
C+: 185/125
Alternative option for this workout: instead of clean and jerks, modify by doing 30 deadlifts (round 1); 30 hang power cleans (round 2); 30 shoulder to overhead (round 3). Moderate weight on each (for example 185/125 deadlift; 115/75 hang power clean; 95/65 shoulder to overhead -- + or -).